Saturday, July 16, 2011

Week one done!

We have finished the first week of training.  It went very smoothly.  Everyone on the team is doing a great job.  Folks seem generally healthy except for a few minor digestive things generally associated with international travel. 

Since arriving, we found out that they had a difficult time controlling the number of kids enrolling in the camp beginning next week.  Lots of officials have asked for their children to have a place in the camp.  So, instead of the 96 students that we planned for, we will have 128!  A challenge, but not really a problem.  I appreciate everyone's positive and flexible spirit.

Some of the Chinese teachers seem very intimidated to teach in front of their colleagues and the American trainers.  By the end of the day yesterday, everyone seemed to be embracing the challenge, but there were a few stressful moments for folks along the way.

Bridger and Bronwen will join us in Doumen this evening.  Charlie is on his way and will arrive in Doumen at 11:00 AM on Sunday.  On Sunday afternoon, the whole Doumen team will meet at the training school to prepare the rooms for Weeks two and three.

Greg will be golfing this afternoon with Mr. Li, a very important official in the Doumen government.  We hope they will enjoy fruitful conversation about future expanded opportunities on the golf course.

Post from Luke.

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